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Talk: What is (Epic) Truth? Apollonius of Rhodes on the Amazons of Terme (Samsun)

Talk: What is (Epic) Truth? Apollonius of Rhodes on the Amazons of Terme (Samsun) By Brian D. McPhee (Durham University, Loeb Postdoctoral Research Fellow) Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024 Time: 1230-1320 Room: H232 Abstract: This paper uses the curious example of Apollonius of Rhodes’ portrayal of the Amazons to explore the contested relationship between “myth” and “history” in learned Hellenistic […]

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Talk: The Inevitability of Corporate Character

Title: The Inevitability of Corporate Character By Kendy M. Hess (Holy Cross, Philosophy) Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Time: 1730-1900 Room: H232 Abstract: If we assume — as I will, here — that firms and other highly organized groups can qualify as rationally autonomous actors in their own rights, I argue that they will necessarily possess Aristotelian characters as well. […]

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Talk: Who built Göbekli Tepe? Of Inspired individuals and Charismatic Leaders

Talk: Who built Göbekli Tepe? Of Inspired individuals and charismatic leaders (including a summary of recent fieldwork)  By Lee Clare (Göbekli Tepe Fieldwork and Research/ German Archaeological Institute, Istanbul) Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024 Time: 17.30-19.00 Room: FFB 22 Abstract: tbd. About the speaker: tbd Event organized by the Department of Archaeology

Talk: Small things, big stories: re-writing prehistory from new perspectives

Talk: Small things, big stories: re-writing prehistory from new perspectives By Emma Baysal Date: Wednesday 21 March 2024 Time: 17.30-19.00 Room: H-232 Abstract: Prehistory is generally characterised in terms of grand narratives of human development – technology, symbolism, domestication and sedentary life among others. However, the human experience is often lost in the vast scales of time and space that […]

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Talk: Phrygians at the Black Sea? Exploring Ritual Landscapes in Northern Anatolia

Phrygians at the Black Sea? Exploring Ritual Landscapes in Northern Anatolia By Julia Koch (Justus Liebig University Giessen, Archaeology) Date: Wednesday 27 March 2024 Time: 17.30-19.00 Room: H-232 Abstract: The Kingdom of Phrygia is traditionally located in the western Anatolian Plateau centering on the capital at Gordion on the Upper Sangarios River. Recent scholarship, however, has reconstructed the territorial expansion […]

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Talk: Translating for the Revolution: Soviet Transformations of Dos Passos

Talk: Translating for the Revolution: Soviet Transformations of Dos Passos By Zachary King (University of Chicago, Slavic Languages and Literature) Date: Friday, March 29, 2024 Time: 1030-1200 Room: H232 Abstract: The 1930s in the Soviet Union witnessed the historic elevation of writers into, as Stalin memorably stated, “engineers of human souls.” Soviet and international writers, critics, and cultural figures participated […]

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Talk: Direct Manipulation Undermines Intentional Agency (Not Just Free Agency)

Title: Direct Manipulation Undermines Intentional Agency (Not Just Free Agency) By Andrei Buckareff (Philosophy/ Cognitive Science, Marist College) Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024 Time: 1530-1700  Room: H232 Abstract:  An account of what sort of causal integration is necessary for an agent to exercise agency is offered in support of a soft-line response to Derk Pereboom’s four-case argument against source-compatibilism. I […]

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Acts of Literary Creation: An Undergraduate Conference

Bilkent University Bilkent University, Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Acts of Literary Creation: An Undergraduate Conference Dates: 19 April, 2024 Conference date: Friday 19 April 2024 Conference schedule and registration Keynote speaker: Prof. Mine Özyurt Kılıç (ASBU), “Narrative Acts of Empathy: Literature as a Medium for Emotional Engagement” From storytelling and architectural design to movie making and economic production, the act of creating is intimately tied to our senses […]

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Bilkent Archaeology Day 2024

Bilkent University Bilkent University, Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Bilkent Archaeology Day - Immortalizing the Essence: Portraiture for private and Public Spaces Dates: 26 April, 2024 Location: Library Art Gallery Organized by the Department of Archaeology

Talk: Representations and Face-to-Face Encounters – Why They Matter for the Philosophy of Fiction

Talk: Representations and Face-to-Face Encounters – Why They Matter for the Philosophy of Fiction By Derek Matravers (Philosophy, Open University/ Cambridge University) Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024 Time: 1730-1900 Room: H232 Abstract: This paper will argue that philosophers working on fiction have paid insufficient attention to the distinction between representations and face-to-face encounters. This paper will sketch the relevant differences. […]

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Talk: Censorship, Evidence, and Justification

Title: Censorship, Evidence, and Justification By Hrishikesh Joshi (University of Arizona, Philosophy) Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024 Time: 1530-1700  Room: H232 Abstract: This paper considers the justification of censorship from the censor's perspective. Namely: what must the censor's epistemic position be like in order for her to be justified in enacting a policy of censorship? I argue that this bar is likely […]

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