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Talk: Meter-Kybele in Pergamon

Talk: Meter-Kybele in Pergamon By Felix Pirson (German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul/ Head of the Pergamon excavation) Date: Wednesday 1 November, 2023 Time: 17.30-19.00 Room: C-Blok Amphi Abstract: The Phrygian mother-goddess Meter-Kybele was among the most popular deities in Anatolia and Greece during Antiquity. She was venerated both in monumentalized sanctuaries and in natural shrines in city and countryside. According […]

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Talk: Objectivity as Prophecy

Title: Objectivity as Prophecy: The Long View from West Africa in 1903 By Jeanne-Marie Jackson (English Literature, Johns Hopkins) Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 Time: 1730-1900 Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/9505380471?pwd=NEhLVnhxQW93d3U2dGp4U0VQK0UxQT09Meeting ID: 950 538 0471Passcode: 633717 Abstract: This talk presents a literary reading of Gold Coast political history, focused mainly on legal-humanistic treatises by the Fante writer-statesmen J.E. Casely Hayford and John Mensah […]

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Talk: The Case for Commitment

Title: The Case for Commitment By Sarah Paul (Philosophy, NYU Abu Dhabi) Date: Friday, November 3, 2023 Time: 1530-1700 Room: H232 Abstract: Theories of structural, instrumental rationality generally do not make reference to anything we might call 'commitment', beyond the sense in which all intentions are a kind of settled commitment. Some views do allow for things like commitment, resolutions, […]

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Talk: Alahan – How a Roman City in Isauria Related to its Villages

Talk: Alahan - How a Roman City in Isauria Related to its Villages By Hugh Elton (Trent University, archaeology) Date: Monday 13 November, 2023 Time: 17.30-19.00 Room: C-Blok Amphi Abstract: City and countryside sound different, but Roman cities were very closely linked with their countrysides. Using evidence from the Göksu survey, this paper examines relationships between the city at Alahan and […]

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PhilFest AI Art Exhibition

PhilFest AI Art Exhibition Description: This collection includes works on philosophical themes produced with the help of AI, selected from the Generative Artificial Intelligence Visual Art Competition for PhilFest'23 Bilkent Philosophy Festival. Place: Library Art Gallery Dates: November 17-30, 2023 Official opening: Friday, November 17, 2023, 1230-1330 Program: Opening Speech: Prof. Dr. Kürşat Aydoğan, Rector at Bilkent University "Art and […]

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Sinopia Symposium

Pigments, Colors and Ideas November 23: Anatolian Museum of Civilizations November 24: Bilkent University Organized by the Department of Archaeology and the Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture On the occasion of the 100th year of the Turkish Republic Watch the teaser video Conference website: https://pci.bilkent.edu.tr/

Conference: Black Sea Crossings

Conference title: Black Sea crossings - Maritime networks from Hellenistic to Byzantines times Dates: 30 November - 1 December, 2023 Location: ANAMED Auditorium, Beyoğlu/İstanbul Conference website and program: click here.

Talk: “A negative dowry”: Specters of debt and the family from the origins of the student loan industry in the United States

Talk: “A negative dowry”: Specters of debt and the family from the origins of the student loan industry in the United States By Britain Hopkins (Wellesley College, Sociology) Date: Wednesday 7 February, 2024 Time: 16.30-18.00 Room: G-160 Abstract: High levels of student loan debt are a cornerstone of higher education in the United States today. This talk provides an overview […]

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Talk: Shakespeare’s Turkish Sonnets?

Talk: Shakespeare’s Turkish Sonnets? By Robert Stagg (University of Oxford, Shakespeare Institute) Date: Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 17:30 (reception at 17:00) Time: 1700-1830 Room: A130 Abstract: If Shakespeare became the English ‘national poet’ in the eighteenth century, he has spent subsequent centuries as an international poet. Yet scholarship about a so-called ‘Global Shakespeare’ has had comparatively little to say about […]

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Talk: It’s about time! Reflections on the role of chronology in archaeology

Talk: It’s about time! Reflections on the role of chronology in archaeology By Jeroen Poblome (KU Leuven, archaeology) Date: Wednesday 7 February, 2024 Time: 17.30-19.00 Room: H-232 Abstract: In methods, practices and concepts, the discipline of Archaeology remains in full motion. Ever newer computational modelling techniques are being unleased. Ever more detailed methods of spatial analysis are being employed. While […]

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Talk: Totality at Trinity – Paranoia and the State in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony

Talk: Totality at Trinity - Paranoia and the State in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony By Devin Daniels (Bryn Mawr College, English) Date: Wednesday 14 February, 2024 Time: 16.30-18.00 Room: G-160 Abstract: The cultural and theoretical production of the 1970s has been largely remembered for its resistance to metanarratives, skepticism towards totality, and embrace of plurality. At the same time, the […]

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Talk: An American Divide – The Making of ‘Continental’ Philosophy

Talk: An American Divide - The Making of 'Continental' Philosophy By Jonathan Strassfeld (John Hopkins University, History) Date: Tuesday 20 February, 2024 Time: 16.30-18.00 Room: G-160 Abstract: Western philosophy underwent a dramatic schism during the twentieth century, splitting into two adversarial camps called "analytic" and "continental" philosophy. While this rupture is commonly understood as an ideological divide that reflects cultural […]

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