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“To Be Determined: On Literature’s Causes”, Andrea Gadberry

    Program in Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas and English of Language and Literature will host an academic talk:   Andrea Gadberry, New York University Title: To Be Determined: On Literature's Causes Description: This paper examines the problem of causal explanation, of literature's "causes," by looking to an unlikely literary-philosophical source: the fairytale. Following Heidegger's "principle of reason" back into […]

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“Cavendishian observations on principal and occasional causes”, Laura Georgescu

Title: Cavendishian observations on principal and occasional causes By Laura Georgescu (Groningen, Philosophy) Date: Thursday April 28, 2022 Time: 15.30-17.00 (GMT+3) This is an online event. All are welcome. Zoom: go to www.phil.bilkent.edu.tr Abstract: Suppose you are an early modern natural philosopher committed to a substance–mode ontology. If all the available entities in your ontology are substances and their modes, […]

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“The Victorian Sapphic Tradition”, Ceylan Köşker Bevington

Topic: ELIT / TALK : Ceylan Köşker Bevington Time: Apr 29, 2022 04:30 PM Zoom Meeting The Victorian Sapphic Tradition During the Victorian era, the ancient Greek lyric poet Sappho emerged as an important precursory figure who helped women poets counter what feminist critics Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar have referred to as their ‘anxiety of authorship’. For many female poets of the period, Sappho served as model validating literary aspirations. Although an identification with […]

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“Sustainability or Reciprocity: Why Stories Matter”, Priscilla Ybarra

Date and Time: 19:00-20:00, Monday, May 9 Speaker: Priscilla Ybarra, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of North Texas Lecture: “Sustainability or Reciprocity: Why Stories Matter” Dear students and colleagues, As part of Bilkent's ongoing "Year of Sustainability," the Department of American Culture and Literature and the Department of English Language and Literature have been hosting a talk series, "Literature […]

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“From Le Grand Frère into Ağabey: The Journey of French Slang in Turkish” / Le Grand Frère’den Ağabey’e: Fransız Argosunun Türkçedeki Yolculuğu”, Ebru Erbaş

Title: “Le Grand Frère’den Ağabey’e: Fransız Argosunun Türkçedeki Yolculuğu” Dear Colleagues and Students, The Department of Translation and Interpreting has the honor to invite you to the seminar, entitled “From Le Grand Frère into Ağabey: The Journey of French Slang in Turkish” / Le Grand Frère’den Ağabey’e: Fransız Argosunun Türkçedeki Yolculuğu” by Ebru Erbaş. The event will be held in […]

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“I’m like a Helicopter: For a Two-Point Theory of Creative Imagery”, Joshua Landy

ELIT & CCI / Philosophy and Literature Colloquium-Prof. Joshua Landy Time: May 10, 2022 06:30 PM Zoom Meeting Joshua Landy: "I'm like a Helicopter: For a Two-Point Theory of Creative Imagery" According to a now-standard theory, "Juliet is the sun" is supposed to be a "pregnant" metaphor, ready at any moment to beget a sprawling heap of adorable semantic puppies. […]

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Department of Archaeology Newsletter Fall 2022

Department of Archaeology Newsletter Fall 2022 Thanks to student interest and energy, our second Archaeology Department's Newsletter has been published. It is now posted online: http://arkeo.bilkent.edu.tr/newsletter_9-2022.pdf We are grateful to the students, alumni, instructors and friends of the department who have shared their interests, research, memories or hobbies.

“Strangers in a Strange Land: Jewish Memories of Istanbul”, Dr Esra Almas

Talk / English Language and Literature   Dear colleagues and students, You are cordially invited to the first instalment of the new Humanities Faculty Seminar Series. Speaker: Dr Esra Almas (Bilkent) Date: Wednesday 28 September 2022 Time: 17:30 – 18:30 Place: G-160 (humanities building) Title: Strangers in a Strange Land: Jewish Memories of Istanbul Abstract: Modern Istanbul has long been […]

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Bilkent Philfest’22 Felsefe Şenliği

Tüm öğrencilerimizi Bilkent Philfest’22 Felsefe Şenliği’ne bekliyoruz. Şenliğimizde Yapı Kredi, İletişim, Ayrıntı, FOL, Alfa, Doğu Batı, İmge, Ginko, Günışığı, Episteme, Pharmakon gibi birçok yayınevinin ve çeşitli felsefe ve bilim dernek ve topluluklarının stantları yer alacak. Katılımcılar hem felsefeye dair en iyi yayınevlerinden kitapları bir arada bulma hem de farklı topluluklarla tanışma şansına sahip olacak. Şenliği Bilkent Merkez Kampüs’te (Mayfest alanında) […]

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“From Banned to Burnt for the Public Good: On the (Im)morality of Literature”,  Iris Vidmar Jovanović

Seminar / Department of English Language and Literature Please find below the details for this academic year’s first seminar for the Bilkent Philosophy and Literature Colloquia Series, organised by Dr Patrick Fessenbecker and Dr Andrea Selleri and featuring our first invited speaker, Dr Iris Vidmar Jovanović from the University of Rijeka. Anyone interested is very welcome to attend. The event […]

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“Conference on Water Management in the Metal Ages”, Department of Archaeology

Conference on Water Management in the Metal Ages hosted by the Department of Archaeology The Bilkent Department of Archaeology is hosting this year‘s UISPP Metal Ages Commission conference titled „Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages”, from Thursday evening, October 13, 6 p.m. through Saturday noontime, October 15. The conference will be held in the C-Blok Amfi. The […]

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 “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Eko-Eleştiri Lisansüstü Konferansı” (Sustainability and Eco-criticism Graduate Conference), Department of Turkish Literature

Bilkent Üniversitesi Türk Edebiyatı Bölümü’nün yıllık lisansüstü konferansı “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Ekoeleştiri” başlığıyla 14 Ekim Cuma günü saat 9.30-18.30 arasında gerçekleştirilecektir. Açılış konuşmasını Dr. Deniz Gündoğan İbirişim’in (Sabancı Üniversitesi) yapacağı etkinlik FF binasında, FB22 no’lu amfide yapılacaktır. Katılım herkese açık ve ücretsizdir. Konferans programı aşağıdaki gibidir:   (On October 14, Bilkent University Department of Turkish Literature is hosting its annual graduate […]

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