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Department of Archaeology Newsletter Fall 2022

Department of Archaeology Newsletter Fall 2022 Thanks to student interest and energy, our second Archaeology Department's Newsletter has been published. It is now posted online: http://arkeo.bilkent.edu.tr/newsletter_9-2022.pdf We are grateful to the students, alumni, instructors and friends of the department who have shared their interests, research, memories or hobbies.

“Strangers in a Strange Land: Jewish Memories of Istanbul”, Dr Esra Almas

Talk / English Language and Literature   Dear colleagues and students, You are cordially invited to the first instalment of the new Humanities Faculty Seminar Series. Speaker: Dr Esra Almas (Bilkent) Date: Wednesday 28 September 2022 Time: 17:30 – 18:30 Place: G-160 (humanities building) Title: Strangers in a Strange Land: Jewish Memories of Istanbul Abstract: Modern Istanbul has long been […]

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Bilkent Philfest’22 Felsefe Şenliği

Tüm öğrencilerimizi Bilkent Philfest’22 Felsefe Şenliği’ne bekliyoruz. Şenliğimizde Yapı Kredi, İletişim, Ayrıntı, FOL, Alfa, Doğu Batı, İmge, Ginko, Günışığı, Episteme, Pharmakon gibi birçok yayınevinin ve çeşitli felsefe ve bilim dernek ve topluluklarının stantları yer alacak. Katılımcılar hem felsefeye dair en iyi yayınevlerinden kitapları bir arada bulma hem de farklı topluluklarla tanışma şansına sahip olacak. Şenliği Bilkent Merkez Kampüs’te (Mayfest alanında) […]

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“From Banned to Burnt for the Public Good: On the (Im)morality of Literature”,  Iris Vidmar Jovanović

Seminar / Department of English Language and Literature Please find below the details for this academic year’s first seminar for the Bilkent Philosophy and Literature Colloquia Series, organised by Dr Patrick Fessenbecker and Dr Andrea Selleri and featuring our first invited speaker, Dr Iris Vidmar Jovanović from the University of Rijeka. Anyone interested is very welcome to attend. The event […]

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“Conference on Water Management in the Metal Ages”, Department of Archaeology

Conference on Water Management in the Metal Ages hosted by the Department of Archaeology The Bilkent Department of Archaeology is hosting this year‘s UISPP Metal Ages Commission conference titled „Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages”, from Thursday evening, October 13, 6 p.m. through Saturday noontime, October 15. The conference will be held in the C-Blok Amfi. The […]

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 “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Eko-Eleştiri Lisansüstü Konferansı” (Sustainability and Eco-criticism Graduate Conference), Department of Turkish Literature

Bilkent Üniversitesi Türk Edebiyatı Bölümü’nün yıllık lisansüstü konferansı “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Ekoeleştiri” başlığıyla 14 Ekim Cuma günü saat 9.30-18.30 arasında gerçekleştirilecektir. Açılış konuşmasını Dr. Deniz Gündoğan İbirişim’in (Sabancı Üniversitesi) yapacağı etkinlik FF binasında, FB22 no’lu amfide yapılacaktır. Katılım herkese açık ve ücretsizdir. Konferans programı aşağıdaki gibidir:   (On October 14, Bilkent University Department of Turkish Literature is hosting its annual graduate […]

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“Çakmaktepe, Göbeklitepe’den önce bir yerleşik avcı-toplayıcı topluluk”, Prof.Fatma Şahin

Our first public Lecture will be given by Assoc. Prof. Fatma Şahın (Çukurova University) on 26th October 2022 at 17:30: "Çakmaktepe, Göbeklitepe’den önce bir yerleşik avcı-toplayıcı topluluk". It will be hybrid and in Turkish In person: IBEF, room H-232 or Zoom meeting The Department of Archaeology Abstract Konferansta ilk kez, UNESCO Dünya Mirası olan Göbeklitepe'den yaklaşık 30 km uzaklıkta bulunan Geç Epipaleolitik ve Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik A (yaklaşık MÖ 10500-9500) yerleşimi olan Çakmatepe'de […]

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Philosophy and Literature talk – C. Thi Nguyen / Patrick Fessenbecker

Talk / English Language and Literature Please find below the details for this academic year’s second seminar of the Bilkent Philosophy and Literature Colloquia Series, organised by Dr Patrick Fessenbecker and Dr Andrea Selleri and featuring Dr C. Thi Nguyen from the University of Utah. Anyone interested is very welcome to attend. The event will take place on Zoom. TOPIC: […]

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“Bringing back from the dead: Questioning Authors’ Agency in Postcolonial Biofiction”, Seda Bahar Pancaroğlu

Talk / English Language and Literature Dear colleagues and students, You are cordially invited to the first instalment of the new Humanities Faculty Seminar Series. Speaker: Seda Bahar Pancaroğlu (TOBB ETÜ) Date: Wednesday 2 November 2022 Time: 17:30 – 18:30 Place: G-160 (humanities building) Title: Bringing back from the dead: Questioning Authors’ Agency in Postcolonial Biofiction Abstract: Taking real historical […]

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“Can Artificial Agents Be Independent Enough to Be Moral Agents?”, Zach Gudmunsen

Paper Presentation by Zach Gudmunsen (November 3, 15.30-17.20) (H-232) Title: Can Artificial Agents Be Independent Enough to Be Moral Agents? Abstract: All artificial systems, however they are made and whatever they do, have a designer somewhere. This includes machine learning systems, which, for all their complexity and adaptation to the environment, ultimately turn to humans for their parameters, data sources and data quality, and function. This has led to the argument that, because they are always dependent on […]

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Postgraduate Education Abroad, Ceyda Gerali Vanden Berghe

  Konu: Lecture/ Department of Translation and Interpretation   Dear Students and Colleagues, You are cordially invited to the lecture organised by the Department of Translation and Interpreting (TRIN).   Speaker: Ceyda Gerali Vanden Berghe Title: Postgraduate Education Abroad Date: Nov 10, 2022 Time: 13:00 Place: Department of Translation and Interpreting (TRIN), L Building, LA 101 Abstract: Mrs Berghe will […]

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6th Bilkent International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

6th Bilkent International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2022, via Zoom. This year, we have 6 speakers from 5 countries.   To attend the conference, please register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlf-2tpzsuEtyGpjlpeYSeZXgnoIGeqnni   Once you are registered, Zoom meeting information will be sent to you via e-mail.   (GE 250/1 points will be given)   Conference Program: (Istanbul […]

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