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“Is Writing Dead?  Hjelmslev between Deleuze and Derrida”, Dr. Donald J. Cross

Talk / Program in Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas Dr. Donald J. Cross, Visiting Assistant Professor- Comparative Literature Department, SUNY Buffalo   Title:     “Is Writing Dead?  Hjelmslev between Deleuze and Derrida”   Abstract: Journalists, educators, and cultural commentators have already declared 2023 as the year that writing died. ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence chatbots certainly renew the issue with concrete […]

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“Home. Family. Future: Authenticity, the Frontier Myth, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”, Dr Kara McCormack

Dear colleagues and students, You are cordially invited to this semester’s first instalment of the Humanities Faculty Seminar Series. This will be a hybrid event. Speaker: Dr Kara McCormack (Bilkent, AMER) Date: Wednesday 22 March 2023 Time: 17:30 – 18:30 Place: G-160 (humanities building) Or on Zoom: Topic: AMER - ELIT / Seminer - "Home. Family. Future: Authenticity, the Frontier […]

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Bilkent Archaeology Day 2023

  You are kindly invited to participate to the Bilkent Archaeology Day 2023 on Grounding Selves: Archaeological Approaches to Past Identities on Friday 31 March at 13:30. Hybrid event: C-Block Amphi (Faculty of Economics) or Zoom Meeting   Material culture plays a significant and complex role in the construction, expression, and maintenance of social identities. These identities can operate at […]

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“Archaeological Archives in the Digital Era. Attika 2.0”, Barbora Weissova

Department of Archaeology Evening Lecture by Barbora Weissova (Assistant professor in the Institute of Archaeological Studies Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany). “Archaeological Archives in the Digital Era. Attika 2.0” On Wednesday 19/4/ April 2023 at 17:30 in H-232 Abstract To acknowledge the 40th anniversary of the Attica Archive kept in the Institute of Archaeological Studies at the Ruhr University in Bochum, I […]

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“The Final Frontier: Outer Space in Early Modern English Poetry”, Dr. Ivana Bičak (Durham University)

Abstract: Is the Moon inhabited? How do the Mercurians tolerate the Sun’s terrible heat? Are there any animals on the ice-cold Saturn? Such questions about possible new worlds in the heavens tickled the poetic imagination following the invention and subsequent perfection of the telescope in the early seventeenth century. The unprecedented advances in astronomy offered a new intergalactic imaginary to […]

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“Approaching identity through space and material culture: The case study of the Rock Sanctuary at Sagalassos (SW Turkey)”, Peter Talloen

Department of Archaeology Evening Lecture by Peter Talloen (Assistant professorat İsparta University, Director of the Sagalassos Excavations): Approaching identity through space and material culture: The case study of the Rock Sanctuary at Sagalassos (SW Turkey) On Wednesday 26 April 2023 at 17:30 in C-Block Amphi Abstract Approaching the identity of the people whose traces we are uncovering in the archaeological […]

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“Collective nouns and the distribution problem”, David Nicolas, Institut Jean Nicod- Jonathan D. Payton, Bilkent University

You are invited to Bilkent University’s Philosophy Department on Thursday for the seminar of Profs. David Nicolas and Jonathan D. Payton. Speakers: David Nicolas, Institut Jean Nicod; Jonathan D. Payton, Bilkent University “Collective nouns and the distribution problem” Date: Thursday, 4 May 2023 Time: 3:30 Room: H-232 Abstract: Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that […]

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“Philomela’s Cloth: Ekphrasis, Expression, and Empathy”, Daniel Armenti

TALK  / DEPARTMENT OF ELIT   Dear Colleagues and Students,   You are cordially invited to this talk hosted by the Department of English Language and Literature:   "Philomela’s Cloth: Ekphrasis, Expression, and Empathy" Dr. Daniel Armenti   Thursday, May 4, 2023, 17:30, Room G-160   Abstract: The classical myth of Philomela was a popular subject of medieval reception. Vernacular […]

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Social Ontology in  Political Philosophy 5-6th May

Workshop: Social Ontology in  Political Philosophy 5-6th May   Location: Bilkent University Library (Art Gallery Room)   Conference website:  http://socialontologyandpoliticalphilosophy.weebly.com/   Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-ontology-in-political-philosophy-tickets-619067235767 (Registration is free, but necessary for estimating number of attendees) –   Description: Collective action plays a central role in politics. Understanding the conceptual underpinnings of collective agency, including related ideas such as collective responsibility and collective capability should […]

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“Byzantine Warriors in Nicaea: A Bio-archeological Study”, Yılmaz Selim Erdal (Hacettepe University)

Byzantine Warriors in Nicaea: A Bio-archeological Study Yılmaz Selim Erdal (Hacettepe University)   Respondent: Jorge Lopez Quiroga (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) Tuesday 9 May h. 17.30 H-132 and on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/3899516358 Medieval Anatolia, especially after the 8th century, experienced increased population mobility, encounters between different ethnic groups (such as Arabs, Turks, and Byzantines), and severe conflicts. In this respect, […]

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“Repatriation both Ways: A Theoretical Approach to the Repatriation Policies of Turkey through Case Studies”, Özkan Atmış

The jury of the Master thesis of Özkan Atmış (Department of Archaeology) will be on Wednesday 10 May at 14:00:   Repatriation both Ways: A Theoretical Approach to the Repatriation Policies of Turkey through Case Studies Hybrid Room H-355 (Faculty of Humanities) and zoom meeting   The Jury members will be: Christina Luke. Associate Professor. Department of Archaeology & History of […]

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