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“The Influence of Fairness Judgments, Reference Points, and Subjective Entitlements on Bargaining Behavior and Outcomes” By Emin Karagözoğlu (Bilkent, Economics)

Date: Tuesday, 20th November, 2018 Time: 1240 – 1330 Place: A-130 Organized by the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Group at Bilkent University. Abstract: Bargaining has always been one of the most popular topics within the game theory tradition. Not surprisingly, it gained a similar status when economists started running lab experiments. Bargaining experiments conducted in the 80s led economists to question some of their assumptions such as […]

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“Alien Encounters: Race and UFO Tourism in Roswell, New Mexico”, By Kara McCormack

“Alien Encounters: Race and UFO Tourism in Roswell, New Mexico”, By Kara McCormack Date: Thursday, 22nd November, 2018 Time: 17.40 Place: G- 160 Abstract: When people think of Roswell, New Mexico, they may think of the UFO landing story from 1947. This narrative is so popular that Roswell has crafted its public identity around the “Roswell Incident” and made UFO […]

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“Biological Debt, Illness and the Limits of Nation State in Women’s Writing in Turkish”, By Dr. Şima İmşir

Dear Colleagues and Students, As part of the Center for Turkish Literature Speaker Series, Dr. Şima İmşir will give a talk entitled “Biological Debt, Illness and the Limits of Nation State in Women’s Writing in Turkish” Thursday, November 29, at 17:00 (5pm). The talk will take place in A-130. Refreshments will be available afterwards. Şima İmşir is Assistant Professor of […]

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“Acknowledgment, not Recognition: A Wish-to-say” By Erturk Demirel (Boğaziçi, Philosophy)

“Acknowledgment, not Recognition: A Wish-to-say” By Erturk Demirel (Boğaziçi, Philosophy) Date: Friday 30 November, 2018 Time: 1100-1230 Place: H-232 Abstract: I examine acknowledgment in Rancière’s philosophy, drawing on his notion of disagreement. I reflect on the speech of Percennius the slave in Ancient Rome. Acknowledgment for Rancière is an act of speech irreducible to recognition that acknowledges and poetically investigates […]

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“The Istanbul Branch of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in the years 1933 until 1944”, Dr. Daniel Bauer

Department of Archaeology guest lecture:  Dr. Daniel Bauer Ernst Reuter School, Ankara « The Istanbul Branch of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in the years 1933 until 1944 ». Time: Tuesday, December 11, 17:40 Place: FEASS, H-132     The Istanbul Branch of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in the years 1933 until 1944. With the beginning of the National […]

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“Aesthetics and Politics: The Long 1960s in Turkey and the U.S.”, Kenan Sharpe (UC Santa Cruz)

Dear Colleagues and Students, Kenan Sharpe (UC Santa Cruz) will give a talk entitled “Aesthetics and Politics: The Long 1960s in Turkey and the U.S.,” on Wednesday, December 12, 17:00 (5pm). The talk will take place in A-130, as an event co-sponsored by the Center for Turkish Literature and the Department of American Culture and Literature. Light refreshments will be […]

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“Crusoe’s Diversions” Jonathan C. Williams

Date: Thursday 13, December, 2018 Time :16.40 to 18.00 Location : G 160 "Crusoe's Diversions" Jonathan C. Williams It has become something of a truism that Robinson Crusoe is as much about things as it is about persons. Crusoe’s maturation out of a melancholic obsession with his losses and into a state of absolute self-possession coincides with his fixation on […]

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“Unconditional Commitments, Integrity, and the Polity”,By Shmulik Nili (Northwestern/ANU)

“Unconditional Commitments, Integrity, and the Polity” By Shmulik Nili (Northwestern/ANU) Date: Friday 14 December, 2018 Time: 1100-1230 Place: H-232 Abstract: An important philosophical position holds that an agent’s moral integrity is entirely parasitic upon morality’s overall requirements. According to this “integrity skepticism,” we can only know what our moral integrity requires once we know how, all things considered, we morally ought to act. In this essay’s opening part, focused on individual ethics, I present […]

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“A Complementary Scientific Approach to Eratosthenes’ Calculation of the Earth’s Circumference”,By Cem Erkli (Simon Fraser University, Philosophy)

“A Complementary Scientific Approach to Eratosthenes’ Calculation of the Earth’s Circumference” By Cem Erkli (Simon Fraser University, Philosophy) Date: Thursday, 20 December, 2018 Time: 1640-1800 Place: H-232 Abstract: Eratosthenes (276 – 194 BC) is the Hellenistic scientist known for calculating the earth’s circumference by using the shadow of a sundial. Today, he is commended for getting admirably close to the currently accepted value for the earth’s circumference. In this paper, I examine […]

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Turkish (TURK 101-TURK 102) is a compulsory course for all Bilkent University undergraduate students. It is designed as an effective way of learning based on creativity and free thinking in compliance with Turkish grammar rules. Our courses allow students to express their own feelings about books, contemporary cultural and artistic events and write remarkable essays during the academic year. These […]

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“Visual perception of actions: An interdisciplinary work between cognitive neuroscience and social robotics”, By Burcu Ayşen Ürgen (Bilkent, Psychology/NSC)

“Visual perception of actions: An interdisciplinary work between cognitive neuroscience and social robotics” By Burcu Ayşen Ürgen (Bilkent, Psychology/NSC) Date: Friday, 21st December, 2018 Time: 1240 – 1330 Place: A-130 Organized by the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Group at Bilkent University. Abstract: One of the most important skills organisms possess is the ability to perceive the actions of other organisms in their environment. This skill is supported by a network of brain […]

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“Questions in Action”, by Daniel Hoek (NYU, Philosophy)

“Questions in Action” By Daniel Hoek (NYU, Philosophy) Date: Tuesday, 12 February, 2019 Time: 1640-1800 Place: H-232 Abstract: Choices confront agents with questions. Lost in a dark forest and coming to a fork in the road, you wonder Which path will get me out of here? The choice of how many eggs to buy at the supermarket raises the question How many eggs go into a spaghetti carbonara for four? And so […]

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