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“A New Metaphysical Explication of Infinitesimals”,Lu Chen (UMass, Philosophy)

A New Metaphysical Explication of Infinitesimals By Lu Chen (UMass, Philosophy) Date: Tuesday 18th February, 2020 Time: 1640-1800 Place: H-232   Abstract: Infinitesimals are widely used in physics and mathematics, but are considered merely heuristic due to a lack of rigorous understanding. Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis (SIA), alternatively known as Synthetic Differential Geometry, is the most developed mathematical system for regimenting […]

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“Göbekli Tepe: Digging the ´Zero Point’ in Time”, Dr. Lee Clare

The Department of Archaeology organizes a Lecture given by Dr. Lee Clare, the scientific director of the excavations of Göbekli Tepe:  “Göbekli Tepe: Digging the ´Zero Point' in Time” on Wednesday 19 February at 17:40 PM. It will take place in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Room FFB-05. GE 250 & 251 points will be given. We look […]

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Friedrich Klopstock’s “Heretical” Poetics: Der Messias & the Case of Doubting Thomas

Bilkent University Library is pleased to invite you to attend the CCI Colloquium Series event! Title: Friedrich Klopstock’s “Heretical” Poetics: Der Messias & the Case of Doubting Thomas Place/Date/Time: Library Art Gallery, 21 February 2020, 4.40 p.m. Short speaker bio: Matthew Stoltz earned his PhD in 2019 from the Department of German Studies at Cornell University. His research explores the […]

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“Taking Aesthetic Obligations Seriously”, Anthony Cross

Philosophy colloquium, Anthony Cross Taking Aesthetic Obligations Seriously By Anthony Cross (Texas State, Philosophy) Date: Thursday 27th, 2020 Time: 1540-1710 Place: H-232 Abstract: Are there any aesthetic obligations? The standard story of aesthetic normativity says no: aesthetic value may generate reasons, but these are never obligatory. I first introduce several cases that demonstrate that the standard story is incorrect, and that obligations […]

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“Hempel’s Paradox of the Ravens”, Murali Ramachandran

Philosophy Colloquium, Murali Ramachandran Hempel’s Paradox of the Ravens By Murali Ramachandran (Witwatersrand, Philosophy) Date: Thursday,  5th March, 2020 Time: 1540-1710 Place: H-232 Abstract: Hempel’s paradox of the ravens arises from two very compelling principles, SUPPORT and EQUIVALENCE: SUPPORT Observations of FGs support (confirm, count as positive evidence for) the hypothesis ‘All Fs are G’, so long as no non-G Fs have been observed. (E.g. observations […]

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“End of Democracy – The Nazi Rise to Power and the Failure of Anti-Fascism in Germany”, Lukas Knopp

Dear students and staff of Bilkent University, I would like to invite you to the one-time lecture, “End of Democracy – The Nazi Rise to Power and the Failure of Anti-Fascism in Germany”. As a DAAD scholar with a research focus on holocaust and social memory, currently teaching German at Bilkent University, I have realized that while there is a […]

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Celebration of International Women’s Day

Celebration of International Women's Day   Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to the following talks organized by Bilkent Philosophical Society and Bilkent Philosophy Department. The talks will be in Turkish.   Date: 9 March 2020 Time: 17:40 Place: Humanities Building, H232 Speakers: Prof. Nazile Kalayı (Hacettepe University): "My Wounds Existed Before Me: A Feminist Reading of Greek […]

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“Counting Composites”,  Jonathan Payton (Calgary, Philosophy)  

Philosophy Colloquium, Jonathan Payton (Online event) Counting Composites By Jonathan Payton (Calgary, Philosophy)  Date: Thursday April 2, 2020 Time: 1640-1800 Zoom link: This is online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to begin: https://zoom.us/j/556133950. Abstract: According to the thesis ‘Composition Entails Identity’ (CEI), a […]

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“Archaeological Research at the ionian City of Notion”, Prof. Christopher Ratté (Michigan University)

The Department of Archaeology cordially invites you to attend the Lecture of Prof. Christopher Ratté (Michigan University) on Zoom entitled “Archaeological Research at the ionian City of Notion”. Date: Sunday 25 October 2020 Time: 17:00 (UTC+3) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99319633129?pwd=eTB2VnM1UmlzNnhKdm8rakd4a0ZOUT09 Meeting ID: 993 1963 3129 Passcode: 797772 Summary of the Lecture Notion was a Greek city on the western coast […]

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“Sometimes a real one!’: Mock Marriage, Liberal Politics, and the Performative in Antebellum City Mysteries”, Professor Patrick McDonald (Auburn University, Department of English)

The Department of American Culture and Literature welcomes all Bilkent students and faculty to a talk by Professor Patrick McDonald (Auburn University, Department of English), titled "'Sometimes a real one!': Mock Marriage, Liberal Politics, and the Performative in Antebellum City Mysteries." Date: Tuesday 27 October 2020 Time: 20:00   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92450821368?pwd=VGR5NnpmdjBKR3BESHJSaG1MMElydz09 Meeting ID: 924 5082 1368 Passcode: 856917     Abstract   This […]

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“Transnational Feminisms and Contemporary Turkish Women Writers in English Translation: Theories, Texts and Practices”, Dr. Şule Akdoğan METU University

Bilkent University Turkish Literature Department EDEB TALKS announces,   Talk’s Title “Transnational Feminisms and Contemporary Turkish Women Writers in English Translation: Theories, Texts and Practices”     by Dr. Şule Akdoğan METU University   Monday, November 02, 2020, 15:30 p.m.       Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting Room 140 https://zoom.us/j/93516347871?pwd=dXZjdFVMVTZIanI5NEFSN2dFMGs3QT09 Meeting ID: 935 1634 7871 Passcode   : 856917     […]

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“Copredication and the Possibility of Truth-Conditional Semantics”David Liebesman (Calgary) (joint work with Ofra Magidor, Oxford)

Philosophy colloquium: David Liebesman (online event) November 19, 2020 5:30 pm Copredication and the Possibility of Truth-Conditional Semantics By David Liebesman (Calgary) (joint work with Ofra Magidor, Oxford) Date: Thursday November 19, 2020 Time: 1730-1900 (GMT+3) This is an online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to begin.  […]

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