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“Counting Composites”,  Jonathan Payton (Calgary, Philosophy)  

Philosophy Colloquium, Jonathan Payton (Online event) Counting Composites By Jonathan Payton (Calgary, Philosophy)  Date: Thursday April 2, 2020 Time: 1640-1800 Zoom link: This is online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to begin: https://zoom.us/j/556133950. Abstract: According to the thesis ‘Composition Entails Identity’ (CEI), a […]

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“Archaeological Research at the ionian City of Notion”, Prof. Christopher Ratté (Michigan University)

The Department of Archaeology cordially invites you to attend the Lecture of Prof. Christopher Ratté (Michigan University) on Zoom entitled “Archaeological Research at the ionian City of Notion”. Date: Sunday 25 October 2020 Time: 17:00 (UTC+3) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99319633129?pwd=eTB2VnM1UmlzNnhKdm8rakd4a0ZOUT09 Meeting ID: 993 1963 3129 Passcode: 797772 Summary of the Lecture Notion was a Greek city on the western coast […]

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“Sometimes a real one!’: Mock Marriage, Liberal Politics, and the Performative in Antebellum City Mysteries”, Professor Patrick McDonald (Auburn University, Department of English)

The Department of American Culture and Literature welcomes all Bilkent students and faculty to a talk by Professor Patrick McDonald (Auburn University, Department of English), titled "'Sometimes a real one!': Mock Marriage, Liberal Politics, and the Performative in Antebellum City Mysteries." Date: Tuesday 27 October 2020 Time: 20:00   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92450821368?pwd=VGR5NnpmdjBKR3BESHJSaG1MMElydz09 Meeting ID: 924 5082 1368 Passcode: 856917     Abstract   This […]

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“Transnational Feminisms and Contemporary Turkish Women Writers in English Translation: Theories, Texts and Practices”, Dr. Şule Akdoğan METU University

Bilkent University Turkish Literature Department EDEB TALKS announces,   Talk’s Title “Transnational Feminisms and Contemporary Turkish Women Writers in English Translation: Theories, Texts and Practices”     by Dr. Şule Akdoğan METU University   Monday, November 02, 2020, 15:30 p.m.       Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting Room 140 https://zoom.us/j/93516347871?pwd=dXZjdFVMVTZIanI5NEFSN2dFMGs3QT09 Meeting ID: 935 1634 7871 Passcode   : 856917     […]

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“Copredication and the Possibility of Truth-Conditional Semantics”David Liebesman (Calgary) (joint work with Ofra Magidor, Oxford)

Philosophy colloquium: David Liebesman (online event) November 19, 2020 5:30 pm Copredication and the Possibility of Truth-Conditional Semantics By David Liebesman (Calgary) (joint work with Ofra Magidor, Oxford) Date: Thursday November 19, 2020 Time: 1730-1900 (GMT+3) This is an online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to begin.  […]

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“A Discussion on Genre, Narrative and Representation in Modern Turkish Fiction since 1950s”, Dr. Şule Akdoğan

A Discussion on Genre, Narrative and Representation in Modern Turkish Fiction since 1950s by Dr. Şule Akdoğan Wednesday, November 25 2020, 1:30 pm Zoom Meeting Info: https://zoom.us/j/96194771978?pwd=UU9PeEp5bis0SDRGcndDNkFoTm5Vdz09 Meeting ID: 961 9477 1978 Passcode : 856917 Abstract: In Turkish literature, fiction has been a powerful tool to reflect and interpret the intriguing and complex relationships between the individual, the socio-historical and […]

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Philosophy colloquium: Claudio Calosi (online event)

Philosophy colloquium: Claudio Calosi (online event) November 27, 2020 12:30 pm How to Build Things from Atoms By Claudio Calosi (Geneva) Date: Friday November 27, 2020 Time: 1230-1400 (GMT+3) This is an online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to begin. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81367491177?pwd=NDl1QlBXaTM1NXpZV1BBNi84a3Brdz09 Meeting ID: 813 […]

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“Byzantine routes and frontiers in the Black Sea region and the hagiographical dossier of St Eugenios”, James Crow

Department of Archaeology   Sunday Evening Lecture: James Crow, Byzantine routes and frontiers in the Black Sea region and the hagiographical dossier of St Eugenios Time: Sunday, November 29, 2020 06:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98997732810?pwd=dHFiUmZvVC9YYnBSbm1weHlyendoQT09<https://zoom.us/j/98997732810?pwd=dHFiUmZvVC9YYnBSbm1weHlyendoQT09> Meeting ID: 989 9773 2810 Passcode: 856917   Abstract   An account of the miracles of St Eugenios, the patron saint of Trebizond (Trabzon), […]

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Philosophy colloquium: Helen Brown Coverdale

Philosophy colloquium: Helen Brown Coverdale (online event) December 17, 2020 1:30 pm Risking penal collateral consequences and the moral permissibility of punishment By Helen Brown Coverdale (UCL) Date: Thursday December 17, 2020 Time: 1330-1500 (GMT+3) This is an online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to […]

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“Structuring the LBA Western Anatolia,”Assoc. Prof. Peter Pavuk

Assoc. Prof. Peter Pavuk   (Institute of classical Archaeology, Charles University in Prague)     Structuring the LBA Western Anatolia     Sunday 20 December 2020 at 17:00 PM (UTC +3)   Zoom Lecture   Abstract   When speaking of Western Anatolia, one almost instantly thinks of sites such as Troy, Panaztepe or Miletus. However, there is much more than […]

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“Structuring the Late Bronze Age of Western Anatolia”, Peter Pavuk (Institute of classical Archaeology, Charles University in Prague)

Department of Archaeology   Sunday Evening Lecture Structuring the Late Bronze Age of Western Anatolia   Assoc. Prof. Peter Pavuk (Institute of classical Archaeology, Charles University in Prague)   Time: Dec 20, 2020 05:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95044413609?pwd=Vi9Ic28wU3ZobmFUVWllNHhMcHgvUT09 Meeting ID: 950 4441 3609 Passcode: 856917   Abstract   When speaking of Western Anatolia, one almost instantly thinks of sites […]

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“Spenser’s “Vnperfite” Nationhood: Transnational Intimacy and “Mingled” History in the “Saluage Iland”,Michael Gadaleto

On Monday, February 1, the Department of English Language and Literature is going to host a lecture by Dr. Michael Gadaleto at 18:00-19:00.  The lecture is open to the public and will take place via Zoom.  The details appear below.   https://zoom.us/j/94797660412?pwd=aVNXZG5MSC9xRnRGaVNDSEFDbTNqUT09 Meeting ID: 947 9766 0412 Passcode: 856917   Michael Gadaleto Spenser’s “Vnperfite” Nationhood: Transnational Intimacy and “Mingled” History […]

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