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“Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment, and Criminal Justice “,Greg Caruso (SUNY Corning, Philosophy)

Title: Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment, and Criminal Justice Speaker:  Greg Caruso (SUNY Corning, Philosophy)   Date: Thursday, February 4, 2020 Time: 1700-1830 Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85828559441?pwd=bzlCa3lMd0prL0owemRhYWlzQjV3QT09 Meeting ID: 858 2855 9441 Passcode: 679050   Abstract:  One of the most prominent justifications of legal punishment, historically and currently, is retributivism, according to which wrongdoers deserve the imposition of a penalty solely for the backward-looking reason […]

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“Divine Protection: Ancient Egyptian Vernacular Shrines in the Eastern Sahara”,Professor Salima Ikram

Sunday 7 February 2021 Professor Salima Ikram (American University in Cairo) "Divine Protection: Ancient Egyptian Vernacular Shrines in the Eastern Sahara”. The talk will be held on Zoom at 17:00 (UTC + 3): Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92526032075?pwd=NDhBTVI4cUJTMSsrYVNJMy91S284dz09 Meeting ID: 925 2603 2075 Passcode: 856917 Abstract: Travel is perilous.During the course of tracing ancient desert routes, the North Kharga Oasis Darb […]

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“The Tempest and The Winter’s Tale on the Contested Court Stage”,Gabriel Lonsberry

On Monday, February 8, the Department of English Language and Literature is going to host a lecture by Dr. Gabriel Lonsberry at 18:00-19:00. The lecture is open to the public and will take place via Zoom. The details appear below. Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99078701041?pwd=YjFudlV5bUhTMEtTYVYwSjNmL3hiQT09 Meeting ID: 990 7870 1041 Passcode: 856917 Gabriel Lonsberry The Tempest and The Winter’s Tale on the Contested […]

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“Title: Aristotle’s elements and a problem for change”,Mary Krizan (University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, Philosophy)

Title: Aristotle’s elements and a problem for change Speaker: Mary Krizan (University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, Philosophy) Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021 Time: 1700-1830 Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86040489541?pwd=aFdzblRWdFFVbHUzQk93MGlCQ3hPQT09 Meeting ID: 860 4048 9541 Passcode: 176506 Abstract:  Aristotle’s theory of material elements, as described in On Generation and Corruption II.1-4, points toward a serious issue for his theory of matter and change: in support of his ontology of things, they must be able to change into one another, but such changes are not readily explicable by the mechanisms of […]

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“The Loving State”, Adam Lovett (NYU, Philosophy)

By Adam Lovett (NYU, Philosophy) Date: Tuesday March 2, 2021 Time: 1730-1900 Title: The Loving State Speaker: Adam Lovett (NYU, Philosophy) Abstract: I explore the idea that the state should love its citizens. It should not be indifferent towards them. Nor should it merely respect them. It should love them. We begin by looking at the bases of this idea. […]

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“Newton and Descartes on True Motion”, Monica Solomon (Stanford, Philosophy)

Title:  Newton and Descartes on True Motion   By Monica Solomon (Stanford, Philosophy)   Date: Thursday March 4, 2021 Time: 1900-2030   Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/91213034711?pwd=dEFPeTRQK0xsYTJiUnMvdzZwaUp4Zz09 Meeting ID: 912 1303 4711 Passcode: 856917   Abstract:  Isaac Newton’s scholium to the definitions in the Principia (1687/1713/1726) articulates clearly distinctions pertaining to the concepts of time, space, place, and motion. A well-known example therein describes the motion of the water within […]

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“The Evolution of Fragility”—in Mesopotamia and beyond, Norman Yoffee, University of Michigan

Department of Archaeology   Sunday Evening Lecture: Norman Yoffee, University of Michigan (emeritus)  : “The Evolution of Fragility”—in Mesopotamia and beyond   Time: Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 18:00 PM (UTC+3)   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93100958586?pwd=d3duYVZSTDV2dHdmQWV4U2R3RXFSUT09 Meeting ID: 931 0095 8586 Passcode: 856917   Abstract   Explanations for the collapse of early states and (and complex societies) often assume that […]

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“Aristotle’s sentimentalist ethical virtue”,Gösta Grönroos (Stockholm, Philosophy)

Title: Aristotle’s sentimentalist ethical virtue   By Gösta Grönroos (Stockholm, Philosophy)   Date: Thursday March 18, 2021   Time: 1600-1730 (GMT+3)   Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91957321114?pwd=N3hVSVlsY1I0eGZVWkRMUjlSR2FpUT09 Meeting   ID: 919 5732 1114 Passcode: 856917   Abstract: In this lecture, I will argue that Aristotle’s ethical virtue (ἀρετὴ ἠθική) is an exclusively emotional disposition constitutive of practical wisdom, and that ethical virtue should be […]

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“Mobility, Space, and Travel: Rethinking World Literature Through Ahmet Midhat”,Dr. Beyza Lorenz

Department of Turkish Literature Seminar:   "Mobility, Space, and Travel: Rethinking World Literature Through Ahmet Midhat"   by Dr. Beyza Lorenz   Thursday, March 25 2021, 4 pm       Zoom Meeting Info:   https://zoom.us/j/93444826438?pwd=NTR3T0VGOGduQS92WVozZUo4WVlZUT09   Meeting ID : : 934 4482 6438 Passcode       : 856917       Abstract:   World literature theories have focused on the dissemination […]

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“The Poetics of Space and Memory in Sâmiha Ayverdi’s İbrahim Efendi Konağı”,Dr. Esra Almas

Department of Turkish Literature Seminar:   "The Poetics of Space and Memory in Sâmiha  Ayverdi’s  İbrahim Efendi Konağı"   by Dr. Esra Almas   Tuesday, March 30 2021, 5 pm       Zoom Meeting Info:   https://zoom.us/j/97097061840?pwd=VnovRzF1ZnZBQXlFN1R3OEFMYWJkdz09   Meeting ID : 970 9706 1840 Passcode     : 856917       Abstract:   A prominent and prolific writer, an influential […]

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“Metaphysical Indeterminacy in the Multiverse”, Jessica Wilson (University of Toronto, Philosophy)

Title: Metaphysical Indeterminacy in the Multiverse   By Jessica Wilson (University of Toronto, Philosophy)   Date: Thursday April 1, 2021 Time: 1530-1700 (GMT+3)   Abstract: Everettian quantum mechanics (EQM) might appear to be inhospitable to metaphysical indeterminacy (MI), given that, as Alastair Wilson (2020) puts it, “the central idea of EQM is to replace indeterminacy with multiplicity” (77). But as Wilson […]

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Bilkent Archaeology Day 2021

Bilkent Archaeology Day 2021   Last spring, the annual Bilkent Archaeology Day was cancelled, an early casualty of the pandemic. This year we shall resume our tradition on Sunday, April 11, on Zoom, and we shall make it colourful by speaking about polychromy in ancient art.  The theme will be What a Colourful World: Some Pigments and Colours in Antiquity. […]

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