Colossal head of Zeus found at Aphrodisias

Head of Zeus head from Aphrodisias archaeological site (AA Photo, July 30, 2024)

The colossal head of Zeus, recently uncovered in the ancient city of Aphrodisias, has been identified as one of the finest examples of sculpture from the Roman Empire period. The bearded marble head, 66 centimeters tall and carved in relief as part of an architectural console, was found on July 16, in an area 50 meters west of the Temple of Aphrodite. The head underwent preliminary cleaning and conservation processes to remove the heavily consolidated soil deposits. Made from a single block of medium-grained Aphrodisias marble, the artifact is dated to the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.

Professor R.R.R. Smith (Director of Excavations at Aphrodisias) emphasized the historical importance of the Zeus head. During an interview with Anodulu Ajansı, he noted that “This find is a testament to Aphrodisias’s status as one of the premier sculptural centers of the Roman era.” Describing the statue further, he stated, “The head we found is an image of the god Zeus, meticulously crafted with the sophisticated features characteristic of Roman portraiture. The use of drilling techniques in the hair and beard reflects a costly method reserved for high-quality artworks. This find is more than just an artifact; it showcases how Aphrodisias continues to astonish us with magnificent discoveries.”

Professor Smith highlighted that this extraordinary find merges two distinctive elements: it serves as both an architectural piece and a high-level example of portrait art. Researchers are currently investigating its context to determine its original use—whether it was part of a building or originated from a sacred space or temple.

In addition, Professor Smith pointed out that traces of paint remain on certain areas of the sculpture. “We can observe remnants of paint in the hair and beard, while the slightly open mouth reveals the teeth. These details suggest that the aim was to portray Zeus as a living god, depicting him not just as a deity but as a vibrant, living being. This head stands as one of the finest examples of sculpture from the High Roman Empire period.”


Yasemin Kalyoncuoğlu, Aphrodisias Antik Kenti’nde “kolosal Zeus başı” bulundu, Anadolu Ajansı, 30.07.2024.

Ferdi Uzun, Aphrodisias Kazı Başkanı Prof. Dr. Smith, “sıra dışı buluntu” Zeus başını anlattı, Anadolu Ajansı, 01.08.2024,